Positive Assessment and EI Learning Solutions


Articles, Books, Guides, and Research Related to the Education-Transformative Model of Emotional Intelligence

Carter, S. (2015). Emotional intelligence and person-centered change in a community college leadership development program. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 4, 55-66.

Chapman, L. (2015). The good, the bad, the ugly: Bridging the gap between student and professor perceptions. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 4, 45-54.

Corwin, H. L. (2015). The interwoven characteristics of emotional intelligence and Sanford Meisner actor training. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 4, 21-30.

Cox, J. E. (2013). Quantifying Emotional Intelligence: Validating the Relationships Skills Map (RSM). The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 2, 7-20.

Cox, J. E. & Nelson, D. B. (Spring 2008). Quantifying emotional intelligence: The relationship between thinking patterns and emotional skills. The Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education, and Development, 47(1), 9-25.

DeWitt, J. E., & Hammett, R. D. (2015). Improving teacher professional development with appreciative inquiry and emotional intelligence. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 4, 67-92.

Dockrat, S. Y. (2012). The standardization of the Emotional Skills Assessment Process (ESAP) for South African students of higher education. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 1, 61-72.

Elkins, M. (2014). Developing healthy, constructive relationships with self and others. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 3, 47-58.

Farnia, F. (2012). Emotional intelligence and foreign language proficiency: Relating and comparing ESAP and TOEFL performance. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 1, 51-60.

Gammill, B. (2013). Improving learning environments for students. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 2, 57-62.

Gonzaga A. R. & do Carmo, R. M. (2014). From measuring to a structured development approach: EI Schools and their contributions. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 3, 13-28.

Kenny-Wallace, P. & Fedynich, L. (2014). Infusing emotional intelligence skills into college mathematics classrooms. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 3, 59-66.

Hammett, R.D. (2013). Personal excellence and emotional intelligence: Creating and validating the Personal Excellence Map (PEM). The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 2, 77-102.

Hammett, R., Hollon, C., & Maggard, P. (2012). Professional military education (PME) in the USAF SOS leadership course: Incorporating emotional intelligence. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 1, 73-96.

Hammett, R.D., Nelson, D. B., & Low, G. R. (2007). Personal excellence map (PEM) interpretation and intervention guide. [Technical Manual]. Corpus Christi, TX: Emotional Intelligence Learning Systems, Inc.

Hills, F., Cano, A., Illich, P. (2013). Taking the LEAP: Integrating EI to positively affect college culture. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 2, 35-46.

Hokeness, M. (December 2011). Emotional intelligence and the certified flight instructor (CFI). The Professional Flight Instructor Mentor, 13(12), 26-27.

Justice, M., Espinoza, S., Veitch, B.L., & Lin, M. (2012). Emotional intelligence, teacher education, and future studies. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 1, 39-50.

Labby, S., Lunenburg, F. C., & Slate, J. R. (2013). Emotional intelligence skills and principal characteristics. Journal of Education Research, 7(3), 257-268.

Love, C. R. (2014). The influence of emotional intelligence management curriculum to improve college students' intrapersonal and interpersonal skills to impact leader behavior and team effectiveness. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 3, 29-38.

Low, G. R. (2000). Quantifying emotional intelligence: Positive contributions of the emotional mind. Annual faculty lecture. Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Low, G. R. & Hammett, R. D. (2012). The transformational model of emotional intelligence: Improving student access and success. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 1, 21-38.

Low, G. R., Nelson, D. B., & Hammett, R. D. (2015). Twenty first century skills for achieving education, life, work success. American Journal of Educational Research, Special Issue.

Low, G. R. & Nelson, D. B. (Spring 2004). Emotional intelligence: Effectively bridging the gap between high school and college. Texas Study of Secondary Education, 13(2). The Texas Association of Secondary School Principals.

Low, G. R. & Nelson, D. B. (Spring 2005). Emotional intelligence: The role of transformative learning in academic excellence. Texas Study of Secondary Education, 14(2). The Texas Association of Secondary School Principals.

Mateias, M. (2014). Rooting the paradigm of transformational leadership. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 3, 7-12.

Miller, T. (2013). Transformative emotional intelligence in transforming education. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 2, 47-50.

Munoz, M.E., Potter, G., & Chavez, M. (2013). A pilot study of empathy and counseling self-efficacy among graduate students in a predominantly Hispanic counseling psychology program. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 2, 51-56.

Malekar, S., & Burks, T. (2015). Cognitive and non cognitive competencies of selected world business changers. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 4, 123-133.

Murray, M. (2014). Margo Murray: An interview with EITRI. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 3, 77-80.

Nelson, D. (2006). Personal excellence: A new paradigm for gifted education. In Y. S. Freeman, D. E. Freeman, & R. Ramirez (Eds.), Diverse learners in the mainstream classroom: Strategies for supporting all students across content areas. (1, pp. 101-117). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Nelson, D. (2012). Liberating and actualizing human potential. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 1, 15-20.

Nelson, D. B & Low, G. R. (2006). Emotional intelligence and college success: A research-based assessment and intervention model. In J. Cassidy, A.Martinez, & C. Swift (Eds.), Supporting Student Success (4, pp. 237-247). Corpus Christi, TX: Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

Nelson, D. & Low, G. (2014). Emotional intelligence: A transformative theory. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 3, 1-6.

Nelson, D. B. & Low, G. R. (Spring 2008). Helping at-risk adolescents succeed: An EI Centric Model. Texas Study of Secondary Education, 17(2). The Texas Association of Secondary School Principals.

Nelson, D. & Low, G. & Ellis, R. (Winter 2007). Emotional intelligence: A transformative theory and applied model of positive personal change. Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, 10(4), 30-35.

Nelson, D., Low, G., & Hammett, R. (2012). Emotionally intelligent teaching: Mentoring and teaching excellence using a transformative learning model. In S. Myers & C. Anderson (Eds.), Dimensions in mentoring: A continuum of practice from beginning teachers to teacher leaders (243-255). Boston: Sense Publishers.

Nelson, D., Low, G., & Hammett, R. (2014). The relationship between MBTITM and LSTI® personality types in senior managers of a Fortune 500 company. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 3, 67-76.

Nelson, D. B., Low, G.R., Hammett, R.D., & Sen A. (2013). Professional coaching: A transformative and research based model. Rockport, TX: EI Learning Systems, Inc.

Nelson, D. B. & Low, G. R. (2011). Emotional intelligence: Achieving academic and career excellence (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Nelson, D., Low, G., Nelson, K., & Hammett, R. (2015). Teaching and learning excellence: Engaging self and others with emotional intelligence. Corpus Christi, TX: Emotional Intelligence Learning Systems.

Nelson, D., Low, G., & Vela, R. (2003). Emotional skills assessment process (ESAP) interpretation and intervention guide. [Technical Manual]. Corpus Christi, TX: Emotional Intelligence Learning Systems, Inc.

Nelson, D., & Nelson, K., & Trent, M. (Spring 2012). Developing resiliency skills: Using the Relationship Skills Map® (RSM®) with military couples in high stress environments. Annals Psychotherapy and Integrative Health, 14-25.

O'Neill, T. (2015). Front-line leaders' interpretations of emotional intelligence skills. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 4, 103-112.

Ramos-Villarreal, J. & Holland, G. (2011). University students' development of emotional intelligence skills for leadership. American Journal Of Business Education (AJBE), 4(3), 47-54.

Reyes-Dominguez, P. (2011). The power of emotional intelligence in transforming lives: Voices from higher education. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 1, 97-108.

Rude, D. A. (2013). Developing emotional intelligence In leaders: A qualitative research approach. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 2, 21-34.

Sen, A. (2015). Ashis Sen interview with EITRI. The International Journal of
Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 4,

Sen, A. & Joshi, P. (2015). Learning to lead: A story from a fortune 500 oil company. American Journal of Educational Research, Special Issue.

Sen, A. & Khandagle, S. (2013). Emotional Choices: Pathway to Intrinsic Motivation. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 2, 1-8.

Sen, A., Nelson, D., & Surya, R.A. (2009). Fuelling Success: How emotional intelligence helped HPCL and its employees to grow. Book World Enterprises: Mumbai, India.

Tang, H.W., Yin, M.S., & Nelson, D.B. (2010). The relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership practices: A Cross-cultural study of academic leaders in Taiwan and the USA. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25(8), 899-926.

Teliz-Triujeque, R., Low, G., Nelson, D., Brown, M., Davis, R., & Hammett, R. (2015). The validation of the Spanish version of the Emotional Skills Assessment Process. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 4, 1-20.

Templeton, N. R., Hammett, R., Low, G., Arrambide, M., & Willis, K. (2015). A principal leadership framework for enhancing teacher practice through coaching with emotional intelligence. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 4, 93-102.

Tolbert, T. T., & Justice, M. C. (2015). The influence of emotional intelligence on first-year college success. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 4, 31-44.

Tonioni, R. J. (2015). Emotional intelligence: A critical competency for leadership development. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 4, 113-122.

Tulsi P.K. & Walia, P. (2013). Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction related to gender and experience. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 2, 63-76.

Williams, M. D. (2014). True grit: How developing emotional intelligence makes better leaders. The International Journal of Transformative Emotional Intelligence, 3, 39-46.

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Amatuzzi, V. J. (2015). Relationships between self-perceived emotional intelligence skills and academic achievement of United States Air Force resident airman leadership school students. (Doctoral dissertation). Alabama State University.

Bradshaw, S. (1981). PSM scale differences of successful and unsuccessful CETA training (Doctoral dissertation). John Wood College, Quincy, IL.

Branaman, T. (1981). Multiple correlational analysis of quantity and frequency of alcohol use, problem drinking and personal life skills by ninth and twelfth grade students (Doctoral dissertation). East Texas State University, Commerce.

Carter, S. D. (2015). Emotional Intelligence: A qualitative study of the development of emotional intelligence of community college students enrolled in a leadership development program. (Doctoral dissertation). Colorado State University.

Castro, V. (2005). The efficacy of an emotional intelligence based program: Resilient behaviors of seventh and eighth grade students. Dissertation Abstracts International 66 (5). (UMI NO. 3175019)

Ceasar, P. (1989). A comparison of personal skills of select psychologically "androgynous" and "masculine" males during mid-life (Doctoral dissertation). East Texas State University, Commerce.

Chancler, J. (2012). A comparison of emotional intelligence and leadership styles among Texas Public School Principals (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Chao, C. T. (2003). Foreign language anxiety and emotional intelligence: A study of EFL students in Taiwan (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Cox, J. E. (2010). Quantifying emotional intelligence in relationships: The validation of the Relationship Skills Map (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Cox, S. J. (2012). A study of personality, emotional intelligence, social maturity, and job performance among nurses in rural East Texas (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Commerce.

Deatley, M. (1986). The effects of interpersonal skills training (IPST) upon communication, discrimination, interpersonal, and leadership skills in business .(Doctoral dissertation). East Texas State University, Commerce.

DeWitt, J.E. (2014). Combining Appreciative Inquiry and Emotional Intelligence to Understand and Improve the Professional Development of K-12 Teachers. (Doctoral dissertation). Walden University.

Ellis, C. N. (2004). A study of emotional intelligence indicators in continuation and comprehensive high school students. Dissertation Abstract International, 65 (8). (UMI NO. 3142248)

Farnia, F. (2007). The relationship between emotional intelligence skills and foreign language proficiency (Master's thesis). Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran.

Fernandez, A. A. (2007). Attitudinal, behavioral, and emotional intelligence skill characteristics of college student-parents (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Fry, L. (1990). An evaluation of Mississippi State University's summer scholar's program (Doctoral dissertation). Mississippi State University, Mississippi State.

Graves, F. A., Jr. (2015). An examination of self-directed learning in community college students (Doctoral dissertation). University of Mary Hardin-Baylor.

Hale, K. D. (1986). The effects of behavior-control-perception (BCP) training upon focus-of-control and personal skills of selected high-risk community college students (Doctoral dissertation). East Texas State University, Commerce.

Hammett, R. D. (2007). Personal excellence: The development and validation of a new measure of emotional intelligence (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Harville, P. C. (2012). The role of emotional intelligence skills in teaching excellence: The validation of a behavioral skills checklist (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Hokeness, M. M. (2012). The relationship of certified flight instructors' emotional intelligence levels on flight student achievement (Doctoral dissertation). University of Phoenix.

Hwang, F.-F. (2007). The relationship between emotional intelligence and teaching effectiveness (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Jackson, C. D. (2015). Pathways to success: Early intervention tool of emotional intelligence effects on persistence among first time in college two-tear students (Doctoral dissertation). The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor.

Jagers, J. L. (1987). Interpersonal and intrapersonal attributes of never-married singles (Doctoral dissertation). University of North Texas, Denton.

Jobe, T. D. (2010). A study regarding the influence of emotional intelligence on adult self directed learning (Master's thesis). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Josefowitz, A. J. (1984). The effects of management development training on organizational climate (Doctoral dissertation). University of Minnesota, St. Paul.

Kenney-Wallace, P. (2013). An analysis of the relationship between emotional intelligence and constructive thinking, and student achievement in developmental mathematics. (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Texas.

Kostock, A. (1981). An analysis of personal skills and clinical performance evaluation of associate degree nursing students (Doctoral dissertation). University of Texas at Austin.

Leaseburg, M. G. (1990). Validity and reliability study of an instrument for identifying educationally at-risk junior high school students (Doctoral dissertation). Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.

Liang, Y. H. (2007). The relationship between personality type and emotional intelligence in a sample of college and university faculty in Taiwan (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Link, S. W. (1982). Factors associated with academic performance of community college students (Doctoral dissertation). University of North Texas, Denton.

Love, C. (2014). The Influence of Emotional Intelligence Curriculum to Improve College Students' Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Skills to Impact Leader Behavior and Team Performance Effectiveness (Doctoral dissertation). North Carolina A&T State University.

Lu, S.-C. (2008). Validation of a measure of emotional intelligence for first year college students in a Hispanic serving institution (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Madina, A. A. Saucedo (2010). Exploratory study about the relationship between emotional intelligence and speaking anxiety among normalistas students (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Martinez, M. R. (2007). An evaluation study of a college success course as a counseling intervention at a South Texas institution of higher education (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

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Millan, R. O. (2008). Examining emotional intelligence differences among nursing students at a college in South Texas (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Nelson, K. (1981). A comparison of levels of personal skills in distressed and non-distressed marriages (Doctoral dissertation). East Texas State University, Commerce.

O'Neill, T. (2015). The front-line leader's interpretation of emotional intelligence skills (Doctoral dissertation). University of the Rockies, Colorado Springs, CO.

Pope, P. (1981). The relationship of selected intrapersonal, interpersonal, and life management skills to academic achievement among secondary school students (Doctoral dissertation). East Texas State University, Commerce.

Potter, G. (2005). The impact of an emotional intelligence intervention program on freshman students at a South Texas higher education institution (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

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Quintanilla, M. C. (1998). The effects of a stress intervention strategy in residential treatment staff: The PACE program (Doctoral dissertation). St. Mary's University, San Antonio, TX.

Reyes-Dominguez, P. (2008). The relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership on organizational excellence(Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Rice, D. M. (2006). An examination of emotional intelligence: Its relationship to academic achievement in army JROTC and the implications for education. Dissertation Abstracts International. (UMI NO. 3240023)

Rude, D. A. (2013). Leadership and emotional intelligence: A phenomenological study on developmental experiences of effective federal government leaders. (Doctoral dissertation). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (UMI NO. 1346226922).

Saenz, T. (2009). An exploratory study of the relationship between emotional intelligence and IQ: Implications for students with learning disabilities (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Smith, B. (1983). A comparison of trained and non-trained academically deficient students taught by peer counselors using the microcounseling model in an urban university (Doctoral dissertation). Texas Southern University, Houston.

Smith, G. M. (2006). A study of the emotional intelligence skills of resident advisors at two South Texas universities (Master's thesis). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Smith, M. E. (2004). A mixed paradigm: Study of a transformational learning program for at-risk high school students. Dissertation Abstract International, 65 (11). (UMI No. 3152489)

Solis, V. R. (2007). A comparison of personal inventories between speakers of two languages (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Stottlemyer, B. G. (2002). A conceptual framework for emotional intelligence in education: Factors affecting student achievement (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Suudimenlakki, P. (1985). A study of Finnish and American managers (Doctoral dissertation). University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.

Tang, H.-W. (2007). A cross-cultural investigation of academic leaders' emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness in Taiwan and the United States (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Teliz Triujeque, R. (2009). Validation of the Spanish version of the emotional skills assessment process (ESAP) with college students in Mexico (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Tennant, S. (1990). Personal and moral development curriculum intervention for liberal arts freshmen: A personal development program (Doctoral dissertation). Ohio State University, Columbus.

Titus, J. (1980). The effects of a human communications workshop on the self-actualization and interpersonal skills of United States Air Force and Civil Service personnel (Doctoral dissertation). Abilene Christian University, Abilene, TX.

Tolbert, T. L. (2015). College student reflections: Influence of emotional intelligence and the freshman year (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations Publishing (3724730).

Tonioni, R. J. (2015). The relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership style among community college leaders (Doctoral dissertation). Aurora University.

Trapp, C. S. (2010). The association among emotional intelligence, resilience, and academic performance of preservice teachers (Doctoral dissertation). University of Pheonix.

Turnquist, R. (1980). Assessing the personal skills development of incarcerated juvenile delinquents (Doctoral dissertation). Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX.

Veitch, B. L. (2011). Developmental education and emotional intelligence in three rural east Texas community colleges (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Commerce.

Vela, R. H., Jr. (2003). The role of emotional intelligence in the academic achievement of first year college students (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Villarreal, J.R. (2010). Exploring university students' development of emotional intelligence skills for leadership (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Walker, M. (1982). Relationships among family of origin, personal skills, and selected interpersonal facilitative skills (Doctoral dissertation). East Texas State University, Commerce.

Webb, J. (1991). Patterns of social skills in a typology of marital systems(Doctoral dissertation). The Fielding Institute, Santa Barbara, CA.

Welsh, S. (1985). Can the academic probation student be salvaged? A retention strategy (Doctoral dissertation). Kansas State University, Manhattan.

White, F. (1981). Affective vocabulary and personal adjustment of deaf and hearing adolescent populations (Doctoral dissertation). East Texas State University, Commerce.

Wilkins, D. D. (2004). The relationship between emotional intelligence and enrollment retention in online instruction (Doctoral dissertation). Walden University, Minneapolis, MN.

Williams, M. H. (2004). Achievement and retention patterns in a predominantly Hispanic serving institution of higher education (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Yin, M. S. (2007). Grey system theory and multiple attribute decision making: An innovative approach to educational research (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

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