Human Capital
Human capital, the potential realized through social effort, is the crucial resource for
the success of all endeavors, be they related to education, business, military,
community, family, or any other we have identified. An important aspect of
developing soft skills (emotional intelligence) is a systematic process for healthily
treating your emotional learning system. We call this the 5-step Emotional Learning

The Emotional Learning System© (ELS©) is a key process we have developed to
assist individuals who desire to strengthen their own human capital by developing
themselves in personally meaningful ways. The first step in the ELS® is Explore, a
step that requires positive self-assessment from the context perspective that you
most want to improve. The remaining ELS® steps are pursued through feedback
from the positive assessment process itself. Your assessment profile will provide
the opportunity to identify personal strengths, as well as areas to develop and
enhance. Then you pursue the remaining three steps of the ELS© process through
self-directed coaching, active imagination, and/or guided mentoring.
The Personal Excellence® (PEM®) is provided to help you explore your soft skills
related specifically to leadership development. Click on the PEM button to the left to
learn more about the PEM®. Click the Login button to get started.
2017 EI Institute
EITRI (EI Association)
About Us
Emotional Intelligence Learning Systems is a research, consulting, and publishing concern devoted to person-centered education and training that leads to higher achievement for individuals and organizations.